Créteil 31 Honors Anna Karina

The film, like Vivre Sa Vie, (Living "the life") has a tableaux form. It can be seen as a response to Godard's film. It is the story of Julie (Anna Karina), a hippie girl with a lifestyle involving drugs and alcohol and casual sex who enters into a relationship with a teacher, Alain (Michel Lancelot). He quits his job to be with Julie and slowly becomes a part of her world, leaving his business suits and proper manners behind for a new bohemian life. In the process he becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol. Julie's values change when she becomes a mother, but Alain slowly deteriorates, giving private lessons to children while drunk. In Vivre Sa Vie, Godard's Nana says that we are all responsible for our actions. Although her husband tries to blame Julie for his decline in Vivre Ensemble, Karina emphasizes that he makes his own fate as does Julie but is sympathetic to Alain and the existential angst of his life. Set in New York and Paris, there are many enchanting moments that capture the spirit of the 70s with the political activism, flower power and posture of just letting people be. Karina has made a poignant film that is both whimsical and melancholic.
Anna Karina was honored with a retrospective of films at Créteil this year which includes the first one that she made at 14 in Denmark: Pigen og Skoene - the Girl with the Shoes (11', 1959). The director IB Schmedes noticed Anna on the street dancing and singing. The film won a prize at Cannes at 1959 as the best short. Pigen og Skoene features a tall and very mature Anna sporting a pony tail who spots a pair of high heels that she wants to wear on a date. The shoes cause great pain for her feet and make her late. So her comfortable pumps catch up with her so that she can run to meet her boyfriend. In this film, Anna Karina, born Hanne Karin Bayer in Copenhagen Denmark in 1940, shows how she was ready for the camera. In films with Jacques Rivette, George Cukor, Luchino Visconti and J L Godard she shows a sensibility and wit that have made her an art house icon. Anna Karina continues to make films and her latest feature Victoria caught the attention of Korean youth who skipped school to see it where it debuted at the Pusan Film Festival in 2008, the 30th Florence International Women's Film Festival, 2008 and the 31st Créteil Films de Femmes Festival, 2009. Victoria ,
is directed and written by Anna Karina with music by Philippe Katerine. It is an experimental musical road HD video about a mysterious mute woman, Victoria, Louis' boss who gets gigs around Quebec for two musicians in drag, Stanislaus and Jimmy. Victoria's connection with Stanislaus turns out to be karmic. The film is low budget with artful invention and a clever narrative style.
- Exclusive interview with Moira Sullivan and Anna Karina at Créteil on Movie Magazine International, April 1, 2009, 9pm PST, 90.3 FM San Francisco, national webcast from April 3-9th.
- Exclusive interview with Moira Sullivan and Julie Dash at Créteil on Movie Magazine International,March 25, 2009, 9pm PST, 90.3 FM San Francisco, national webcast from March 27 - April 2.
That is a good point, I didn't know about Anna's stillborn baby - Victoria is about a woman who has amnesia and then finds her long lost son - they have been separated since he was about ten. There is a younger Anna Karina type in the film that is the son's girlfriend that dies in an auto accident. When Anna realizes its her son, she drops a wallet with a photo of him, on the outside I noticed it is written: "Jeg elsker dig" (I love you in Danish) I told Anna understood that since I speak Swedish.
There is a recent documentary of Anna that was shown at Créteil too.
Anna is divorced from Dennis Berry. BTW where do you get all your information, its very up to date!
Anna was the head of the jury at Créteil about 15 years ago, I met her then too. She really likes the festival, and they showed several of her films, with a reception and recontre after Pierrot le Fou with Anna.
Go to the Créteil festival website for more photos
À bientôt!
Could you give us some more information about the documentary on Anna Karina?
The documentary which is not listed on IMDB in fact was made in 2004 by Fabrice Ferrari, Pierre Bouteiller Productions ( he poses the questions--quite good documentary). PB Productions/ Ciné Cinema,
Thank you.
All of her films are out on DVD with Godard: Le Petit Soldat, Band à Part, Vivre Sa Vie, Pierrot le Fou, Made in USA, Une Femme est Une Femmes, Alphaville. Also The Magus, Justine, La Ronde, Cléo from 5-7, La Religieuse --all are at Amazon. Anna (1967-TV) is apparently out on DVD in Japan through Amazon. Check for filmography and DVDs
Mill Valley Film Festival
awesome info about anna.i am a huge fan of her and her movies. it seems that you have seen Pigen og Skoene? do you know of some way to see it? i have searched very hard for info on it and hoped to maybe even find it, but no one seems to remember or care about the film. shocking. please tell me there is some way to see it?
You can download that letter at this link.