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2nd Broadcast of Annakarinaland

2nd Broadcast of Annakarinaland, a weekly 60 minute program with focus on Women in Film by host film critic and scholar Moira Jean Sullivan KXSF 102.5 FM June 15, 10pm. Cannes Film report: out of competition film Furiosa by George Miller. Homage to Monica Sullivan, San Francisco radio host for 30 years, founder of Shoestring Radio Theatre and Movie Magazine International, KXSF 102.5 FM , San Francisco Community radio (Saturdays 10-11am) by Steve Rubenstein. Lineup: Reports on two films by Chantal Akerman whose birthday was June 6: J eanne Dielman and Rendez-vous d'Anna 1978. Tribute to Françoise Hardy who died on June 11. Report on The Red Shoes by Michael Powell 1948 with extended version of Red Shoes Ballet. KXSF is a non-profit radio station, supporting local and independent artists, record labels and the diverse community of the SF Bay Area.

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